Philippines visa and guideline for temporary visitors and long stay to the Philippines.

Some coountries are allowed to enter without visas for a stay not exceeding thirty (30) days to the Philippines. Therefore, Travelers just need to provided their valid tickets for their return journey to port of origin or next port of destination and their passports valid for a period of at least six (6) months beyond the contemplated period of stay in the country.

In addition to free Philippines visa, it is important to show the round-air ticket or an onward ticket at every time, if necessary.

Travelers need leave beefore the end of the permitted 30-day visa-free in the country and in case of re-entry, visitors can have the sum of all visa-free not more than 90 days per half-year stay in the Philppines. Your residence permit on the passport is stamped on the arrival airport. This rule applies to most people from Germany, Holland, Austria, Switzerland, Turkey and several other countries.

For travellers who are planning a longer stay in Philippines, there is also the possibility of a Visa application status at the Philippine Embassy; tourist Visas are issued with a maximum validity of 60 days. The non-immigrant Visa is valid for a stay of up to 90 days. Both types of Visas are extended by 30 days as a rule

Visitors need to apply for Philippines visa in oder to stay longer than 6 months in the Philippines.

The visitor must apply for the Philippines visa  to the Philippine Embassy or Consulate and bring the following documents:

  • A completed visa application (form No. 2-A) for each applicant
  • Passport of the applicant for at least 6 months for at least 6 months after the subsequent exit from the Philippines validity
  • A passport size photo
  • Return ticket or a ticket confirmed by the travel agency

Visitors can applied the following visa types (rounded figures) in the embassy:

  • 3 month visa (entry A) 27, – €
  • 6 month visa (multiple entries) 54, – €
  • 12 months visa (multiple entries) about 81, – €

Balikbayan visa:

If you arrive with a Filipino in order to marry him/her, a so-called Balikbayan stamp will be stamped into the passport after presenting of the marriage contract. This entitles the holder to stay for one year with free of charge and without prior application. This stamp will also be given, if a Filipino adopted another citizenship.

Permanent Residence: The following documents are required if a spouse of a Filipino wants to have residence permission without much effort and financial evidence:
  • Complete application
  • Passport (on site Tourist Visa with)
  • Med. reconnaissance detection (possibly translated in English)
  • Police clearance certificate
  • 6 passport photos 1 x 1 and 6 passport photos 2 x 2
  • Marriage contract
  • Fee of 300, – US $ and 10, – US $ for annually. PRA ID Card fee.
    Resident visa & Speeds

Basically anyone can get the so-called permanent or resident Visa for the Philippines, but it is connected with different financial cost. In addition to the “normal requirements” such as the passport application, passport photos, health certificate, and etc. the following documents will also be required:

Marriage: If a foreigner will be married to a Filipino/Filipina, a Permanent Resistance Visa (13 A) is applied in the visa:
  • Completed application
  • “Petitions” of the Filipino spouse
  • Fee of 20.000, – Peso (10,000 for the request & 10,000 for the exhibition)
  • Certificate of good conduct of the phil. Embassy; Berlin
  • Marriage certificate in English, issued or certified by the phil. Embassy
  • Birth certificate of the phil. spouse authenticated by the NSO
  • Immigration Clearance Certificate (provides immigration)
  • Health certificate issued by an certificated doctor or hospital by the PLRA
  • 6 passport photos 2 x 2
  • Proof  that the person is able to take care himself and his family
  • There will be also other possibilities to obtain the VISA; for this please contact the next Immigration office.
  • This VISA can also be issued by the Philippine Embassy in Germany

A duration of Philippines visa is applied for those who are not married to a Filipino nationals at the Philippines, this will be issued by the PLRA and it is grouped in two categories:

Without a pension:

35 – 49 years old: 50,000 – US $ on a fixed deposit account at the Philippines
50 years and older: 20,000 – US $ on a fixed deposit account at the Philippines
Former Filipinos: 1500, – US $ on a fixed deposit account at the Philippines
Formerly foreign. Ambassador: 1500 – on a fixed deposit account at the Philippines (applies to Ambassador & staff of foreign organizations who have served the Philippines.)

With a pension of at least US $ 800 (single) or 1000, – US $ (couple):

from 50 years old: 10,000 – US $ on a fixed deposit account at the Philippines

Note: The fixed deposits can be specified alternatively, as follows:

Purchase / possession of Condominiums
Long term rental for a piece of land with a house, a condominium or a townhouse for 20 years (min)
Membership in a Golf or Country Club

Important for Philippines  visa owners:

If you are directly related to an owner of the “Retirement” Visa, such Visa can be obtained without an additional amount of money which has to be determined. A proof of degree of dependency / relatives is only required, additionally the course fees (amount of 300, 00 (English “Dependence”.) – US $.). However, this applies for 2 persons (max). Additional dependences (children under 21 years old & single) have to pay an amount of 15000, then again – set US $.

Holder of such retirement Visas will have the following advantages, benefits:

  • Right to permanent residence
  • Multiple entries
  • Exemption from the “Exit and Re Entry Clearance” by the Immigration
  • Exemption from Travel tax, provided the person stayed less than 1 year at the Philippines
  • Duty-free import of private goods up to a value of 7000, – US $
  • Liberation of a special permit students (special study permit)
  • Privilege to work in the Philippines, after issuing a corr. work permit
  • Right to own a condominium unit with a “Condominium Certificate of Title” (CCT)
  • Guaranteed return of the o. A. Hard money

More information can be found about Philippines visa at the official website of the Philippine Embassy: